Milos Maricic

AI Regulation for the Japanese Government


Government of Japan

Sensible AI guidelines that spur innovation

Japan has been actively working on regulations for artificial intelligence to address concerns related to privacy, security, fairness, and the potential impact on society. The Japanese government published the Social Principles of Human-Centric AI in 2019, which set forth basic philosophies and principles for implementing AI in society.

My Role

As an advisor to the government of Japan, my role was to give an external perspective on AI regulation to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Working at the deputy-minister level, I analyzed the risks associated with AI and contribute to the formulation of effective and balanced regulatory measures. I collaborated with various EU and US bodies, as well as government entities, ensuring that Japan’s approach would be coordinated and coherent with what was happening elsewhere.


Japan adopted a risk-based and agile approach to AI regulation. Instead of imposing strict and binding regulations, the focus has been on promoting voluntary efforts by companies while providing nonbinding guidance and support. This approach aims to maximize the positive impact of AI on society while allowing for innovation and flexibility in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Japan took a leading role on this issue in G7 in late 2023 and beyond.